Monday, January 27, 2020

Teaching Preposition with Snowflakes

Here's a fun, interactive Winter movement activity that teaches prepositions with snowflakes!  Attach paper snowflakes to skewers (let your kiddos make the snowflakes if they can!) and give one to each of your students.  Tell them that it's snowing beautiful snowflakes!  Let them dance their snowflakes around the room.  You can play Little Snowflake from Super Simple Songs on YouTube or The Four Seasons: Winter by Vivaldi while they dance.  After the song, tell them the wind is beginning to blow really hard!  (Maybe even play  wind sound effects from YouTube!)  Start talking about all the places the wind is blowing the snowflakes: ON their hair, IN the garbage can, UNDER the table, OVER their heads, etc.  And let them tell you where their flakes are blowing!

Remember: Children better remember what is taught them when they use multiple senses to learn.

Other Winter Activities: